Capitolium 2 Schriftart

Die beste Webseite für kostenlose und hochwertige Fonts im Internet mit 29 kostenlosen Capitolium 2 Fonts zum sofortigen Herunterladen und ➔ 19 professionelle Capitolium 2 Fonts zum besten Preis im Web.

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29 kostenlose Capitolium 2 Schriften.

9 relevante Webseiten zu Capitolium 2 Schriften

  • Capitolium 2 | Adobe Fonts

    Explore Capitolium 2 designed by Gerard Unger at Adobe Fonts. Veronika Burian and José Scaglione met at the University of Reading whilst completing their MAs in Type Design, launching the independent type foundry TypeTogether in 2006.

  • Capitolium 2 | Webfont & Desktop font | MyFonts

    Capitolium 2 Font: Capitolium was designed in 1998 at the request of the Agenzia romana per la preparatione del Giubileo for the Jubilee of the Roman Ca...

  • Capitolium 2 Bold |

    Buy Capitolium 2 Bold desktop font from TypeTogether on

  • Capitolium 2 Font | Try, Buy and Download | TypeTogether

    The Capitolium 2 font family is a three-series newsface (Capitolium, Capitolium News, and Capitolium Headline) with classic letterforms that have been tweaked for the stringent requirements of newsprint: sturdier shapes and more characters per line of text.

  • Capitolium 2 Font Download | Download the Capitolium 2 ...

    What is the Capitolium 2 font? Capitolium was designed in 1998 at the request of the Agenzia romana per la preparatione del Giubileo for the Jubilee of the Roman Catholic Church in 2000. This type design was the central part of the project for a wayfinding and information system to guide pilgrims and tourists through Rome. Capitolium also ...

  • Capitolium 2 font family |

    Capitolium 2 and Capitolium News 2 by Gerard Unger An update has not only extended the glyph range of the classic antiqua font Capitolium by Gerard Unger but has also improved its typesetting qualities thanks to adaptation and augmentation. Let us introduce you to this carefully designed and well developed font.

  • Capitolium 2 - Font News - Linotype

    Capitolium 2 was commissioned to mark the 2000-year Jubilee of the Roman Catholic Church and the first drafts were created in 1998. While designing the font, the prominent Dutch typographer, Gerard Unger, focussed on ensuring that it would be appropriate for use in the information and wayfinding system that would guide pilgrims and tourists around Rome.

  • Capitolium 2 Complete Family Pack |

    Buy Capitolium 2 Complete Family Pack desktop font from TypeTogether on

  • Free Capitolium News 2 Bold Italic Fonts

    The best website for free high-quality Capitolium News 2 Bold Italic fonts, with 30 free Capitolium News 2 Bold Italic fonts for immediate download, and 58 professional Capitolium News 2 Bold Italic fonts for the best price on the Web.

19 professionelle Capitolium 2 Schriften zum Downloaden

Beachte: Wenn Sie professionelle Ausdrucke und Grafiken erstellen möchten, sollten Sie eine kommerzielle Schrift in Betracht ziehen. Kostenlose Schriftenn haben oft nicht alle Buchstaben und Zeichen und keine Kerningpaare (Avenue ↔ A venue, Tea ↔ T ea).

Überprüfe das kostenlos mit Typograf.

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